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What is a Service Animal?



  • Edna Deterding

    My dog already knows what to do if I need help

  • Swift Epiphany

    How do I prove my husband's service animal is a service animal if he is dead, and the somebody stole the paperwork out of the car that night he died?  She was trained in Arizona.  She does the same service for me... interrupts inappropriate behaviors or over-emotional thought patterns, also keys on seizure activity.  How do I get a new certification for her?  Do I need to put her in a new school in my city?  I have a letter from a psychiatrist stating that she is necessary for those tasks, and that they are not responsible for what training they have had. Does that count as something I can state her as a service animal with?

  • Kaytlynn Goodrich

    Where can you get your personal dog train?


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